
There Can Be No Dispute That Monsters Live Among U

New music

New listening

Not an attempt to understand something that is said

For if something were being said

The sounds would be given the shapes of words

Just an attention to the activity of soundNew means change the method

New means change the experience

And new experiences change man

Whenever we hear sounds we are changed

We are no longer the same

After hearing certain soundsAnd this is the more the case

When we hear organized sounds

Sounds organized by another human being

MusicOur entire system of values

Of the things we accept to be true

Is based on the visual sounds

You have to sign a paperBecause your word

Is not enough to be trusted

As a result the acoustic faculty

In human beings has declinedAs it has become possible

To define a continuum between sounds and noises

Completely new problems have come up for

When we compose or play intuitively

Because we have no training

Whatsoever in balancing tones and noisesTraditionally in western music

Noises have been taboo

And there are precise reasons for this

It has become from began from the time

When staff notations were introducedTraditionally in western music

Noises have been taboo

And there are precise reasons for this

It began from the time

When staff notations were introducedAnd music could be noted

In precise intervals for the first time

Then it was mainly vocal music

Some predominantly with vowels

Rather than consonantsIf I sing a melody of consonants now

People would say, it isn't music

We have no tradition of music

Composed in these sounds

And no notation for itThere you see how narrow our concept of music is

From having excluded consonants the noises

Of course you find consonants in vocal music

But only in order to make a word comprehensible

That's the function of a consonant in our daily language

To clarify the meaningBut in a musical sense

Consonants have no function other than as accents

S S or T or K or K

To start or end sound clearlyI respond to sounds directly

Sound is my air

Whenever I deal with sounds they organize themselves

So to speak

They respond very well to me and I to them

Enjoy the lyrics !!!