

In the morning I see you cryin

No one is around

At this ungodly hour.

All the whiskey in your bottle

Is no more than the canvas on the page.

Once an angel in the evening,

Helped you pour it down and shut it out

Just today I saw you realize

She don't come here anymore

And now when you lay down sleep

Everything you dream will lose it's meaning

The music you've tried to create

Will only transmit soft and _____?

Sorry that's it come to this

Surely you must have known

You were going down.

In the evening I see you smilin'

Everyone's around when the sun goes down

All the whiskey in your bottle

Is no more than a drink to pass around

Once a wise man told you

What you don't finish will finish you

Just today I saw you realize

He don't come here anymore

Now, when you lay down to sleep

Everything you see will take on meaning

Music you've tried to create

Will only love you un... that you ...ase...

Sorry that it's come to this

Surely you must have known

It was coming down





-Long Pause





Here lie that last manuscripts of

Carter John Leibowitz

The last living man in the loneliest town

On the desperate border

Of southwestern Canada

He wrote all his poems in invisible ink

And then buried them all in the snow

And then when finally Carter John Leibowitz

Burned up in a passionate fire

Born of his own convictions

All of his poems

Were eaten by wandering foxes

They'd been written on the blue skins

Of ten thousand berries

Traced like the peaches

Of those children uncarried

Committed to form by a hand which

Knew nothing of form

So here lie the last manuscripts

Of Carter John Leibowitz

Which no one has read from,

Which no one can read from again

Now the same could be said of

Miss Margaret Turtledove

She sang all the songs she made in to a jar

Then she capped them with sealing wax

Planked them and screwed them fast

She flung them down in a well and

Poisoned the aquifer

And covered them over with mud

And when Margaret Turtledove

Had buried the things she loved

She found there was nothing dug

Could never be undug

She poured herself down the hole

And mined for her lost jar of song

But the ground was well satisfied

Her table was empty

The roots of the hollow trees

Had filled themselves plenty

The kings of the under-soil had poured

All her songs down their throats

Then Margaret Turtledove

The last thing she ever sung

A song in a broken key

A tune with no melody

A verse with no words to sing

Which no one has ever heard

Which no one can ever hear again

Now you steal down your passageways

And hide mirrors on your stage

And everyone is watching

As you fall through the floor

But remember what I said to you

The best thing and only thing you do

Is disappear

When anyone calls at you you cut and run

This is the only magic that you know

And you walk through your endless days

And gather your bills to pay

And the women that you cower with

Will never bear your child

And the only way you'll never die

Is writing songs, poetic lies

Anything to make your legacy

But the ground will one day open up

Swallow you in it

The work you've done is now undone

You never began it

The only thing immortal is the epitaph

We will carve in your stone

Here lie the last manuscripts

The words to the songs unwrit

The poems in it meaningless

The memories of what you did

Collected in your consciousness

The only thing you ever made

The only thing you ever were

The only thing you'll ever be

Which no one has read from

Which no one can read from again


Lyrics submitted by Fiona.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!