
Troll Doll Celebrities

Hello, hello my name is Jimmy Fallon

And welcome to the auditions for Troll Productions Inc

Remember, we're looking for a star or celebrityTo sponsor our new line of trolls dolls, in our new series of commercials

So thanks for coming

Let's just start the auditions, first up, Mr. John TravoltaShe's like, I swear to God, I mean

I can't believe you guys are trying to sell these things, right

I mean like, who does his hair? I mean like, his hair's so frizzy

I mean like, you guys can probably get someLike, anti-freeze shampoo or something, right? I mean

I don't know how you guys expect to sell these things

Looking so weird, right?Thank you, next up, Cliff Calvin, the mailman from Cheers?Hey, thanks a lot to ya buddy

I was talking with Marty about these dolls

Turns out, the uh, turns out the actual midget trolls

Were made in the 1300's, by, Indian chiefsLooking for a story to keep their children occupied

These trolls are nice but I'd rather be having a beer

With Normy back at the barThank you, Cliffy, next up, comedian Jerry SeinfeldOkay people, okay will you look at these things?

I mean, do you remember when dolls used to have

Moving arms and legs, am I right? He doesn't have any pants on

What's the deal with that? No pants, you get the doll

You don't get the pantsThank you, uh, next up, actor Nicolas Cage

Who? What? Where?That's all I got for that one actually

Next up, comedian Robin WilliamsOh yes, troll dolls, yes a beautiful thing, yes

It's a beautiful thing, yes looks like Don King on Viagra, yes

Yes, suddenly the guy's at home going

"What the hell's going on there?", yesMeanwhile, there's a kid at home going

"Daddy, I want the Harry Potter doll", yes

Meanwhile, the guy's at home going

"I'm seeing the anti-Christ and it is a troll doll", yesSuddenly Arnold Schwarzenegger's at home going

"Yeah, I like to eat troll doll with my English Muffin", yes

Suddenly, Mr. Happy's coming out going

"Lewinski, Lewinski", yes thank youNext up, next up, next up for the auditions, Mr. Gilbert GottfriedWhat is this? What kinda kid plays with something like this?

They're so weird looking

What kinda kid would play with something like this?

I'd like to be the voice of this and that's not goodThank you, last but not least, Mr. Adam SandlerAlright, how ya doing? Alright, this is, okay, this is, this is me

Giving a troll doll to, to my mother, okay

Here we go, "Mom, I, hi I, I, I got you a troll

What did you say?

I said, I, I said, I got you a troll"I can't hear you, What did you say to your poor mother?

Speak up, please

I said, "I got you a troll

I'm outta control, what are you saying?

I wish you would just take the doll and shut up"That's enough for the trolls

Thank you very much

Enjoy the lyrics !!!