
Unscarred Act of Trust

Something so unreal beyond definition

Became reality in me

Upon conception of your will

In my heart, I began

Your will conceived in me

Giving me new life

Boldness, I stand upright

I remain in you forver unscarred

You will not forsake me

Eternity, consuming fire within

Redirect myself to you Lord forever

I remain in you forever unscarred

I see nothing but you in my eyes

I'm filth raise me up to the sky

I see things clear now

Your will transcending into peace of my mind

Cradle me in your arms Lord

I continually need your solitude

Shelter my flesh I'm coming home


Wisdom crying in the streets for no avail


You're pretending to not hear what can be heard


The beginning of knowledge

Is more than fear in itself

Incline your heart toward understanding

Wisdom in action understanding reaction

How long does your simplicity last?

Naivete, take pleasure in scoffing

Foolish, hate, knowledge and despite


And discipline fills no void

In their vocabulary

Turn to reprod, acknowledge him

And your paths will be straight

Blessed is he who finds wisdom

And gains understanding

For it profits better than silver or gold

Walking upright, searching beginning

Consistently, excepting rebuke

Enjoy the lyrics !!!