

One night we lay beside each other, so close to a sweat

with two fans circling overhead, we sleep on borrowed time

and the traffic lights direct empty roads, the stars can't break the city sky

but they still try despite what they know is already true

and tomorrow we'll take aim, just like a storm waiting for a calm.

I can feel everything coming in my chest, my heart's already pounding

my head's on far-off highways, sixteen years old, on a road that never ends.

Might drive into something that looks like a sunset, and it lasts forever, and I never look.Back

from Hoboken to LA

from Portland to Gainesville

from the Great Plains to Niagara

Route 66 straight to California.

Electric lights carry the night

we move in 4/4 time

our feet on wheels and in the sky.

Yes we're going cause we'd die if we stayed here

and those dying dreams will carry what's good, and real, and pure

and the rest can burn in hell

and for the four-year-old girl found dead in a dumpster

shot by her mother, her eulogy,

the sound of construction through head-to-head traffic

today is just another day.

And me and my friends are just growing into the drunks and the liars that we've always hated.Every shortcoming has trapped us, every mistake is now our own infinite failure.

So we steal every chance we get

every advantage is taken when no one's looking

we hide behind closed doors, and we don't stop until

we are the people we've decided we should be.

I wanna be a shot heard round the world, fucking unstoppable

this distance is not something we'll regret

from here, and now, and then, and forever, and days after that till the very end.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!