Relationships and mental break downs
A social ladder but you can't break out
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Social outcast
Got some cool friends but you can't stand it
'Cause you can't stand themI was going up, up, up
She wasn't in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, up
See, I was going up, up, up
'Cause I was in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, upSo frustrated from conversations
With stupid ex's I fucking hate them
And all the cool kids that act like cool kids
They got some new friends and I can't stand it
'Cause I can't stand themI was going up, up, up
She wasn't in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, up
See, I was going up, up, up
'Cause I was in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, upOnce upon a time
You used to tuck me in at night
And told me about the king and queen
And the land of make-believe
Am I way too fucking blind?
Am I looking for love in all the wrong places?
Mom, you taught me well when you said that love's a fairy taleUp, up, up
She wasn't in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, up
Up, up, up
'Cause I was in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, up'Cause I was going up, up, up,
She wasn't in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, up
See, I was going up, up, up
'Cause I was in it for the love, love, love
But I think I finally had enough-nough-nough
And now I'm ready to give up, up, up......on love.
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.