((Boy I'm so hungry let's find a place to eat.
Okay, but I don't know my way around here very well.
We could ask someone.
Oh, good idea.))
Elvis Pretzel and Johnathan Lemon were walking on the street. down to their last nickel wanting something good to eat.
They asked a nice policeman,
Kindly tell us if you will,
is there a cafe down the way where we may get our fill?
It's clear, you'll see.
Just listen carefully.
((Oh, oh hey, write this down.
I'll remember.))
Go up the crooked avenue.
go down the narrow stair.
look up and down for Upton Street it's down around the square
Go up to Barney's eatery.
Sit down if there's a chair.
The sign is hanging upside down,
that's how you'll know you're there.
((Wait a minute, did he say up or down?
I think he said down first then up.))
Now Elvis Pretzel and Johnathan Lemon got all their signals crossed.
They fumbled their directions and go very very lost.
Each turn they took, looked like the turn the took the time before.
They ended right where they began
and asked for help once more.
How do we go?
And this time tell us sllooooooowwwwwww.
((I can do that.))
((Good luck gentleman. Thank you very much. I think I've got it this time. I'll follow you. Okay.))
Now Elvis Pretzel and Johnathan Lemon found the place at last.
They shared a five cent dinner.
and ate it very fast.
Barney smiled and asked them proudly, "How'd you find your meal?"
"How'd we find our meal."
Our friends were very quite prepared this time to share the whole ordeal.
The clientelle all knew the problem well.
[Chorus x2]
The sign is hanging upside down,
that's how you'll know you're there. (x2)
Lyrics submitted by Elias Hickman.