
Violenza Domestica

For those of you who care, an additional adder found the lyrics translated into english.In Italian and then English:"VIOLENZA DOMESTICA"Cattivo come adesso non lo sono stato mai

Cattivo come adesso non lo sono stato maiTi faro' male in posti che nessuno potra' mai vedere...NESSUNO!

In posti che ti faranno male per il resto della tua vita!"Perche'?"

"Ma perche' (Perche' fai cosi'?)"

"Ma sempre, sempre cosi'"


"Ma... guarda!"

"Ma senti!""Ma, ma voglio dire che... che..."

"Ma io non sono una persona che...""Basta! Basta...basta! Hai capito!"

"Ti prego!"Sai che puoi fidarti solo di me

Non ti crederanno maiAscolta [incorrectly spelled "escolta" in album cover]


Ascoltami beneOcchio!Ti ricordi chi tiene famiglia?I denti non possono dire niente... senza la lingua...

Perche' la tua lingua e' mia! Mia! MIA!Now in english...

"DOMESTIC VIOLENCE"Angry as now, I have never been before

Angry as now, I have never been beforeI'll hurt you in places that no one will ever see...NO ONE!

In places that will hurt you for the rest of your life!Why?

But why?

Why are you doing this?

But always like this


But... look!

But listen!But I want to say that... that...

But I am not the kind of person that...Stop it! Stop it!

Stop it! Do you understand?

I beg you! I beg you!You know that you can trust only me

They will never believe youListen to me

Listen to me

Listen to me wellBe careful!Do you remember who is the head of the family?The teeth can say nothing without the tongue...

Because your tongue is mine! Mine! MINE!

Enjoy the lyrics !!!