
Viva Nigeria

This is brother Fela Ransome Kuti

This is one time I would like to say a few things

Men are born Kings are made

Treatys are signed Wars are fought

Every country has its own problems

So has Nigeria so has Africa

Let us bind our wounds and live together in peace

Nigeria, one nation indivisible

Long live Nigeria Viva Africa

The history of mankind

Is full of obvious turning points and significant events

Though tongue and tribe my differ We are all Nigerians

We are all Africans War is not the answer

It has never been the answer

And it will never be the answer fighting amongst each other

Let's live together in peace

Nigeria one Nation Indivisible

Long live Nigeria Viva Africa

Let's eat together like we used to eat

Let's plan together like we used to plan

Sing together like we used to sing

Dance together like we used to dance

United we stand, divided we fall

You know what I mean

I hope you do

Let us bind our wounds and live together in peace

Nigeria one nation indivisible

Long live Nigeria Viva Africa

Brothers and Sisters in Africa

Never should we learn to wage war against each other

Let Nigeria be a lesson to all

We have more to learn towards building then destroying

Our people can't afford any more sufferings

Let's join hands Africa

We have nothing to lose

But a lot to gain

War is not the answer

War has never been the answer

And it will never be the answer

Fighting amongst each other

One nation indivisible

Long live Nigeria

Viva Africa


Lyrics submitted by Ozioma.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!