
Waitin' on the Whiskey to Work

I don't smoke but I bought some cigarettes

Might as well, I mean what the heck

One thing or another's bound to kill me

Neon smoke rings and pool balls click

Tattooed Ruby in her red lipstick

Pours me up another and one more's bound to kill meWell I'm just waitin' on the whiskey to work

Got some money in my shirt

And I'll stay here all night long if I have to

Oh, I'm just waitin' on the band to start

To play a little tune for a busted up heart

A little something to numb this world of hurt

Waitin' on the whiskey to work

Feels like home bellied up here

It's as good a place as any to disappear

Even if she wanted, she could not find me

Hours turn to days and days into weeks

They know my name, they know what I drink

When I drink too much, they sure don't mind meOh, I'm just waitin' on the whiskey to work

Got some money in the pocket of my cowboy shirt

And I'll stay here all night long if I have to

Oh, I'm just waitin' on the band to start

To play a little tune for a busted up heart

A little something to numb this world of hurt

Waitin' on the whiskey to work

Oh, I'm just waitin' on the whiskey to work

Got some money in the pocket of my shirt

And I'll stay here all night long if I have to

Well I'm just waitin' on the band to start

To play a little tune for a busted up heart

A little something to numb this world of hurt

Waitin' on the whiskey to workWaitin' on the whiskey to work

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!