
Was I Dreamin'

(Dream, dream, dream, dream, pa pa pa pa) Was I dreamin', when I kissed you tonight

Was I dreamin', when I held you so tight?

Was I really there alone with you,

Or was that a dream, too?

Was I dreamin', or where you there with me?

Was I dreamin', or could it really be

That I heard you whisper, I love you?

Or was that a dream, or was that a dream, too?

It seems I've spent so many nights

Just dreamin' dreams of you.

And now, I really can't be sure

If all of this is really true.

Was I dreamin', or were you really there?

Was I dreamin', or do you really care?

Did I hear you say, you'd love me true?

Or was that a dream, or was that a dream, too?

It seems I've spent so many nights

Just dreamin' dreams of you.

And now, I really can't be sure

If all of this is really true.

Was I dreamin', or were you really there?

Was I dreamin', or do you really care?

Did I hear you say, you'd love me true?

or was that a dream

Or was that a dream, too? fades

(Dream, dream, dream, dream)

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!