
Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant

You were called to serve a mission by a prophet of the Lord, and you bore your solemn witness that the gospel was restored.

You were called that you might testify and teach your fellow man the simple truths of Jesus in an unfamiliar land.

Yes, each child of God has promises to keep.

For the Savior has said, "If ye love me, feed my sheep"

Well done, thou good and faithful servant.

Well done, thou good and faithful son.

You have seen the field is white.

You have shared the gospel light.

You have earned the Savior's gentle praise, “Well done.”

You were called to help your brother find the straight and narrow way.

As the Savior's true disciple, you were led by Him each day.

In the service of your fellow man, you're only serving God - fulfilling his condition that all men must be taught.

In unmeasured time your mission now is done, but a lifetime of joy serving others has just begun.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant.

Well done, thou good and faithful son.

You have seen the field is white.

You have shared the gospel light.

You have earned the Savior's gentle praise, “Well done.”

Well Done.


Lyrics submitted by Emily Schneider.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!