What kind of king is this
To set aside a throne
To come into a world that would not recognize it was His own?
What kind of king would say
To love your enemies?
What does it even mean to be both King of Kings and Prince of Peace?
Lord of Life laying His life down,
God Almighty became a man who'd wear a golden crown.
What kind of king would give more than I deserve?
What kind of king would give up Heaven for this Earth?
What kind of king is this?
A King I'd like to serve.
What kind of king is this (What kind of king)
Who never counts the costs?
Who only wants to share the Kingdom with the least, the less, the lost?
What kind of choice is that? (What kind of choice?)
A cross of suffering.
Sometimes, it's really hard to wrap my mind around that kind of thing.
(Lord of all) giving all to us;
God of glory who came to bore our shame because of love.
A King I'd like to know (know)
A King I'd like to follow (follow)
With all my heart and soul (all my heart and soul)
A King I'd like to teach me,
Teach me how to live
The kind of life that shows.
A King I'd like to serve!
Music and Lyrics by Lisa Aschmann, Dwight Liles, and John Tirro
©2006 Cumberland Belle Music and Universal Music Corp.
Lyrics Submitted by Caleb