words&music by Zoogz Rift
Copyright 1986 Miss Anne Thrope Music Ltd
from the album "Island of Living Puke"
What - what strange land is this?
What am I doing here? How did this happen?
Why am I asking YOU?
I'm beginning to suspect foul play!
I ate at night, when I am sleeping
You slimy mo-fos come out creeping
Sucking me into your world of horror
- Can this be the world of tomorrow?
Wait a minute! Just a second! I know who you are!
Yes, it's true! You're the Citizens Of The Neighborhood!
What the hell is it that you're trying to do to me?
You're making me brain damaged
All these people hanging around my head
It's the Island Of Living Puke, you asshole
It's the Island Of Living Puke, you asshole
Perhaps I just need a slight cranial adjustment
Like the dentist pulling my gums inside out
And pulling my brain out through my gum cavity
As my head implodes and is yanked out by some
Damn yankee barber!
Perhaps I'm a beauty queen
The target of a thousand flying jackasses
Braying in mocking defiance of their
Stultified, stupefied defecation on my peekini
Perhaps I've already won ten million dollars
With the mo-fo geeks chasing me through the woods
Trying to rip out my britches and use me for a human weenie roast
In front of the campfire girls' glee club
Perhaps nothing is what I think it is
Maybe you're all just a bunch of NICE GUYS
And you aren't really trying to suck every last cent
Out of my pocket and give me
Absolutely nothing in return…
Lyrics Submitted by Paulo Gonçalves