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A Hundred Thousand Teardrops - Tanya Chua

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A Hundred Thousand Teardrops Lyrics

知道我不完美 能給的我都給
zhi dao wo bu wan mei neng gei de wo dou gei
Knowing I'm not perfect I give all that I can於是天藍轉灰轉黑 也微笑不插嘴
yu shi tian lan zhuan hui zhuan hei ye wei xiao bu cha zui
So I smile and hold my tongue even when the sky goes from blue to grey to black這一次會氣餒 連平凡愛一回
zhe yi ci hui qi nei lian ping fan ai yi hui
I'm dejected this time, for even in an ordinary relationship都才將心給誰 馬上又被粉碎
dou cai jiang xin gei shui ma shang you bei fen sui
I have just given my heart to someone only to have it crushed immediately** 滿意了嗎 你究竟有完沒完
man yi le ma ni jiu jing you wan mei wan
Are you satisfied? Are you done yet?你煩不煩 總考驗我多勇敢
ni fan bu fan zong kao yan wo duo yong gan
Aren't you tired? Always testing how brave I can be有那麼難 那麼幸福和美滿
you na me nan na me xing fu he mei man
It's so difficult to be happy and complete我不貪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤單
wo bu tan lan zhi qiu duo xie ye wan bu bi suan bu gu dan
I'm not greedy, I'm only asking for more nights without tears and loneliness我想要的快樂很簡單 你都不管
wo xiang yao de kuai le hen jian dan ni dou bu guan

The happiness I'm asking for is very simple but you don't care人的一生會積累 十萬毫升淚水
ren de yi sheng hui ji lei shi wan hao sheng lei shui
A person accumulates a hundred thousand millimetres of tears in a life time以為哭完苦悲苦味 能換來好結尾
yi wei ku wan ku bei ku wei neng huan lai hao jie wei
Thinking that once done with crying over the bitterness we can exchange it for a good ending並不是我後悔 愛會痛我奉陪
bing bu shi wo hou hui ai hui tong wo feng pei
It's not that I regret anything, for I'm willing to bear the pain that comes with love只是輪到我沒 誰視我為寶貝
zhi shi lun dao wo mei shui shi wo wei bao bei
But is it my turn yet, for someone to treasure me**
有完沒完 我已無條件投降
you wan mei wan wo yi wu tiao jian tou xiang
Are you done yet? I'm already surrendering without conditions我要歸還 向你借來的勇敢
wo yao gui huan xiang ni jie lai de yong gan
I'm returning all the courage I borrowed from you我不野蠻 不屬於我的美滿 都不貪婪
wo bu ye man bu shu yu wo de mei man dou bu tan lan
I'm not unreasonable, I don't chase after happiness that does not belong to me只求一到夜晚 有期盼 有陪伴
zhi qiu yi dao ye wan you qi pan you pei ban
I'm just asking for hope and company at night我想要你給我個答案 你卻不管
wo xiang yao ni gei wo ge da an ni que bu guan
I want an answer from you but you don't care你都不管
ni dou bu guan
You never cared你別不管
ni bie bu guan
Please don't not care我的傷感
wo de shang gan
My hurt
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!