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All The Glory - Alexis Spight

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All The Glory Lyrics

All The Glory
Alexis SpightI give you the glory
For the rest of my life
Lord I lift my hands to you in total sacrifice
I give you my worship
And all of my praise
I surrender my life to you
For the rest of my days(God, you get all)
You get all the glory
You get all my praise (You get all my worship)
You get all my worship
My hands I'll raise (You get all)
You get all the glory
(You get the praise) You get all the praise{You get all the glory}
You get all the glory
{You get all my praise}
You get all my praise
{You get all my worship}

You get all my worship
{That's why I lift my hands}
{You get all the praise}Oh, oh oh
Repeat 2 X
{We worship you Oh, God}
We say, Oh, oh oh
Oh, oh ohYou get all the Glory
You get all the praise
And my worship tooYou get all the Glory
Every single part of me God, I give it to you
Oh yea
You get all the Glory
I lift my hands and I give you everything I have
You get all
My worship
You get all the GloryI reach way down, way down
And I give you the best of me, Oh God
Because you've been so good, that's why
You get all the praise
My worship tooSay: Glory
HallelujahEverything I have I give it to you Lord
My Worship
I give you everything you deserve Jesus
Glory belongs to you
Nobody like you, no where
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!