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Blown Kisses - Martin Zellar

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Blown Kisses Lyrics

Pretty sure about these
Strangers in this house, Ghost beneath my bed
Fear has struck us mute, Ain't nothin' bein' said
Bad news at the door', Hushed voices in the hall
Hear the TV late at night, See headlights on my wall
Things fall apart so easily, Don't blame yourself
It must be me
Blown Kisses from your window make me cry
Ain't hard to figure why
We total up the cost
Of all we gave away
And everything we lost
Don't want to hear the truth
Don't want to know what's real

I just crawl into my space
Erase everything I feel.
You almost had me fooled
But you made just one mistake
Held me far too close
I could feel your poor heart break
Lyrics submitted by brent.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!