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Connect the Stars - The Pop Ups

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Connect the Stars Lyrics

i look up in the night sky
and I see a dipper made of stars
i think i see a giant back and
big strong fuzzy legs and paws
ALL: connect the stars
and now I see a bear!
eating honey with his friends, I bet he's having fun up there..Look up in the night sky
Stars stretched out like giant wings
feathers on a neck and tail
and an orange beak that honks and sings
connect the stars connect the stars
and now I see a swan
soaring high above the Earth
through stardust breeze she's riding onI look up in the night sky
And stars become a giant mane
I see a coat of yellow fur
And swishing tail upon his frame
Connect the stars... I see a lion roar

Running leaping, wild and free
The night is open to exploreThere's animals, animals, animals in the stars..

Enjoy the lyrics !!!