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Guest (feat. Iris) [Young Franco Remix] - Jean Tonique

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Guest (feat. Iris) [Young Franco Remix] Lyrics

I know I don't want to be sure all the eyes are on me
I know I don't want to be sure all the lights on, I can't breathe
I know I don't want to be sure all the eyes are on me
I know I don't want to be sure all the lights on, I can't breathe
Don't leave that I came, okay?
and I, although that I meet right in
oh where I didn't want to go
and I, I'm sure I'm ready to be a guest
I won't leave a home sometime
I want to be home right now
I know I don't want to be sure all the eyes are on me
I know I don't want to be sure all the lights on, I can't breathe
Don't leave that I came, okay?
and I, although that I meet right in
oh where I didn't want to go
and I, I'm sure I'm ready to be a guest
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!