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Lost Inside Your Love - Enrique Iglesias

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Lost Inside Your Love Lyrics

I could never miss you love
Warm as a Miami day......ooh yeah
I could never get enough
Wetter than an ocean wave.....ooh yeahNow one is the key
Two is the door
Three is the path that will lead us to four
Five is the time you kidnap my mind
And to ecstasyLost inside your love, believe me
And if I don't come up then leave me
Inside your love foreverOne love, lost inside your loveWhen the two of us are one
There's no place I'd rather be...oooh no
Disappearing in your love
Wilder then my wildest dreams.....oooh yeahNow one is the key
Two is the door
Three is the path that will lead us to four
Five is the time you kidnap my mind
And to ecstasyLost inside your love, believe me
And if I don't come up then leave me

Inside your love forever oooh no
lost inside your loveOver and over you know what I mean
Poquito de tu amor, un poquito de tu amor
I said over and over you keep takin me
A little bit to far, a little bit to deepLost inside your love, believe me
And if I don't come up then leave me
inside your love forever
Inside your love...whooo
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!
Enrique Iglesias (born Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler on May 8, 1975, in Madrid, Spain) is a Miami-based singing sensation and multi-million-album seller. He is the son of famous Spanish singer Julio Iglesias and Spanish-mestiza Filipina socialite and Hola! magazine journalist Isabel Preysler. He also is the brother of Chabeli Iglesias and Julio José Iglesias, and half-brother of Tamara Falcó and Ana Boyer (from his mother's side) and Miguel Alejandro, Rodrigo, Cristina, Victoria and Guillermo Iglesias (from his father's side).

After the widely publicized kidnapping of his grandfather in Spain, Iglesias moved to Miami, Florida in 1983, at age 8. While in Miami, Iglesias enjoyed the luxury of being the son of a billionaire, but he developed a taste for simpler things, a fact that would later surface in his concerts, where he appeared in plain clothes, including white cotton shirts.

Iglesias first performed while in high school, in the musical Hello Dolly. While attending the University of Miami, he was auditioned by his future manager, who was impressed. Using the pseudonym Enrique Martínez, the two promoted his demos across various record labels. Months later, Iglesias was signed by Fonovisa and went to Toronto to record his first album in total anonymity.

Iglesias has been linked to rumors of romantic relationships with a number of women: former Miss Universe Alicia Machado; the model/actor and Miami resident Sofia Vergara; the pop singer Christina Aguilera; and the actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. More recently, he has reputedly been dating the Russian tennis player, Anna Kournikova for a number of years.

On July 12, 1995, Iglesias released his first album titled Enrique Iglesias, a collection of light rock ballads, including such mega-hits as "Si Tú Te Vas", "Experiencia Religiosa", and others. The record sold half a million copies in its first week, a rare accomplishment then for an album recorded in a language other than English.

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Enrique Iglesias