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Made to Be Broken - Lari White

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Made to Be Broken Lyrics

So it begins
Learning the language of poets and thieves
She's crying again
He's making promise no one could keep
They sound so sweet
But they areMade to be broken
Made to be broken
Even as they are spoken
They are made to be brokenShe's nobody's fool
Collecting the hearts of the lovers she's known
But she locks up her own
'Cause hearts wereMade to be broken
Made to be broken
Love's only token
It was made to be brokenNo one defends
The spirits of wild horses and children
Made to be brokenWho makes the rules
That tell us by nature we're destined to fail

We wrote them ourselves
And they wereMade to be broken
Made to be broken
Rules were made to be broken
Made to be broken
LARI WHITEPublished by
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Enjoy the lyrics !!!