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Pasta - The Pop Ups

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Pasta Lyrics

I love to eat my favorite treat
made from wheat
it's a meal completeGotta have my spaghetti it wakes up every meal
I get down with fusilli with the zest of lemon peal
munchin on manicotti the flavor's so unreal
it's outrageous, all the shapes that it can beEveryday al dente
or anyway
that you can sayI will eat ravioli filled with anything
I'll be baking some ziti from grandma's recipe
loving me orichietti
eat it dry or oily, it's official it's a dish you'll love to eatred sauce
or with white sauce
or with pesto
olive oil
or alfredo
frau diavlo

or a simple ragu
genoveseI wrote a song for my favorite food
I love you i love youI could rock pappardelle with four different kinds of cheese
I get down with linguine it's like sweet music to me
don't forget my rotini, with capers sauce and peas
you can't argue with the culinary certainty

Enjoy the lyrics !!!