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Please Let Me Come Mooch Round Your House - The Lovely Eggs

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Please Let Me Come Mooch Round Your House Lyrics

Please let me come mooch round your house
I will tell what I'm on about
Talking all the way the warden spoon
Let's go down and sing my fun room
My fun roomI can't stand open yea you can't sit down
You've started sweating in your dressing gown
You've standing in the way of mac the worm
I thought I said I wanted just one part
Just one partRiding out your food the hills and snow
Your mind is burning like a inferno
The scotch the left way spoiled the crop
Now please just tell me when it's gonna stop
Gonna stop
Sit yourself down in the old arm chair
That modern living's getting you nowhere
It keeps on ringing but there's no one home
It better not be mother on the phone
On the phone

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!

David and Holly are lovely eggs. They like to play music together and share a drink (although David doesnt like Strongbow anymore. It doesnt agree with him.) Holly likes books and historical things. David doesnt like books and historical things so much. He prefers cine light shows and fixing things that are broken. Oh, and collectibles. Is this anything to do with the music? Why but of course. This (my dear Watson) tells you everything and nothing all at once.

Read more about The Lovely Eggs on Last.fm.

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The Lovely Eggs