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Steam Train - Choo Choo Soul

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Steam Train Lyrics

Steam train, steam train
Take me where I want to goSteam train, steam train
With all my friends looking out the windowSteam train, steam train, yeah
Take me where I want to go, oh, yeahSteam train, steam train
With all my friends looking out the windowCoal from the coal car
Shovel it, shovel it
Fire's gettin higher
Fire's gettin higher
Water from the water tank
Water's gettin hotter
And we're making steamSteam train, steam train
(Come on won't you come aboard?)
Take me where I want to go
(Take me where I, take me where I wanna go)
Steam pushing pistons
That's what makes the engine goWheels turning "round
Everybody, get aboard the steam train
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!