
Ted's Reverie

Lights out, Ted's asleep

Ooh! deep, deep, deep

Indulging in R. E. M.

Be part of our Ted's reverie.Portsdown grass a hilly scene

Ooh! green, green, green

Impossibly, white wallabys

Abound in our Ted's reverie.The buddies play in fiction lake

Ooh! fake, fake, fake

A wading policemen's bare-bone knees

Revealed in our Ted's reverie.Periwigged drinkers at the "No-One's Inn"

Ah! Spot the wallaby skin

Adorning the Crows-nest towering over

The scenes in our Ted's reverie.

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, sselerac si rehtorb ruoy: stcaf evitseggus eroM

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!