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Kimbolton Gnome Song - Renaldo & The Loaf

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Kimbolton Gnome Song Lyrics

See the man in the garden,
The one with the balding head.
He's really strange, a bit deranged
He takes his gnomes to bed, ha-ha!
Takes his gnomes to bed, ha-ha!
Takes his gnomes to bed, ha-ha!They're so old, that when they're cold,
They get arthritic joints
He takes them in, it's no sin
It's one of his finer points, oh yes!
One of his finer points, oh yes!
One of his finer points, oh yea!
...Oh Yea?
They're so old, that when they're cold,
They get arthritic joints
He takes them in, it's no sin
It's one of his finer points, oh yes!
One of his finer points, oh yes!
One of his finer points, oh yes!

See the man in the garden,
The one with the balding head.
He's really strange, a bit deranged
He takes his gnomes to bed, ha-ha!
Takes his gnomes to bed, ha-ha!
Takes his gnomes to bed, ha-ha!
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!