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The TV of Your Soul - Jeff Jinx

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The TV of Your Soul Lyrics

In the TV of your soul,
Changing channels on the show,
In the TV of your soul,
You're the only living role,
Every repeat is a friend,
With no Test Card till' the end,
In the TV of your soul,
You're the only living role,
Childhood's lost in Syndication,
The Operas of forgotten nations,
Stay a while, till' I twist that dial,
In the TV of your soul,
You are the only living role,

In the TV of your soul,
John Logie Baird and Stookie Bill,
As spectral faces bend your will,
In the TV of your soul,
You're the only living role,
Childhood's lost in Syndication,
The operas of forgotten nations,
Stay a while, till' I twist that dial,
In the TV of your soul,
You are the only living role,
In the TV of your soul
Music and Lyrics © Copyright - J.W.Myers 2017

Enjoy the lyrics !!!