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The Test - Lari White

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The Test Lyrics

Down the middle of the page I drew a line
At the top I wrote my name, the date, the time
And sitting like a schoolgirl at my desk
I decided it was time to take the testOn the left I wrote the reasons I should leave
The differences that we had forseen
By the time I got it all off my chest
It looked like we were sure to fail the testI wrote down every fault, I wrote down every fight
Every hurtful word we ever said in spite
To tear our world apart, I did my best
It almost broke my heart to take the testI wrote down every fault, I wrote down every fight
Every hurtful word we ever said in spiteThen on the right I wrote the reasons why
I should stay with you until I die
I only wrote one word, no more, no less
I knew I was finished with the testThe word I wrote was love, and I confess
That's the only way to pass the test

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Enjoy the lyrics !!!