
"Tweet" Based On "Zip"

When gramama was still in knickers and the movie shows were still called flickers

On the telephone the time you’d fritter

But that’s so passé to communicate today you have to do it all on twitter

At dinner during sex at a meeting I find that I cannot stop tweeting

On the john in the shower my blackberries hot my digits never get a rest

In fact no wait a minute wait stop the show

I gotta whip it out I got so much to get off my chest

Tweet Alec Baldwin wasn’t brilliant today

Tweet Doogie Howser makes it hip to be gay

Tweet Kristin Chenoweth won an Emmy how sweet

Tweet someone sit her down and force her to eat

I’m a fan of my boss Tina not so much of brangelina tweet

Now the world recycles

After losing at the Emmys I got tanked on double remy’s tweet

Why’d I screw Lauren Michaels

Tweet as a couple Fred and Ginger were great

Tweet now were stuck with John and Kate

Tweet since Madonna’s dating Jesus she’s blessed

Tweet they have a manger on central park west

Tweet Whitney’s voice on Oprah wasn’t so bad

Tweet once we heard Mackenzie speak of her dad

If our president you hackle I will kick you in the shnackle

Tweet I’m a great fiancé

Kanye west sure learned his lesson Taylor Swift don’t like repressin

Tweet good for you Beyonce

Tweet only guys and gals should wed says prop 8

Tweet guess they don’t watch John and Kate

Tweet with the big peace prize our pres got a push

They Nobeled him just for not being Bush

Tweet Robo Tv is the network of shlock (which I love)

Tweet I hear Tracy Morgan has a huge house in the Hamptons

What’s become of Jim Belushi

Jeremy Piven loves his Sushi

Tweet I hear cupas muggy

Oh the scenes that I have carried Tom and Katie still are married tweet

I sure love my snuggie

Tweet there are just so many words I can fit

Tweet guess I really am I twit

When I sign off I am always filled with shame

Cause Tweet Tweet Tweet

Even I can’t spell my last name



Lyrics submitted by Aria Mallory.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!