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What A Woman Wants - Lari White

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What A Woman Wants Lyrics

Come here darlin', let me whisper in your ear
A precious little secret that I think you need to hear
With the way the women's movement's always making the news
I can see how a man might get confused
Now a woman doesn't mind a man holding the door
But slaving in some kitchen ain't what God made a woman for
We've come a long way baby, but way down deep we're still the same
What a woman wants will never changeWhat a woman wants is to be treated like a queen
By a man who deserves to be treated like a king
What a woman wants, what keeps her holding on
Is a loving man who understands what a woman wantsNow that ain't so complicated, baby, you know what to do
Just do onto me like you want to be done to
Put me on a pedestral and I'll put you on a throne
I bet you're gonna love what a woman wantsWhat a woman wants is to be treated like a queen
By a man who deserves to be treated like a king
What a woman wants, what keeps her holding on
Is a loving man who understands what a woman wants

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!