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Laust Sonne

Laust Sonne

Laust Sonne (born December 11, 1974) is a danish singer and drummer . He is member in a popular rock band called D-A-D. His work solo and in other settings is very versatile Laust Sonne (født 11. december 1974), dansk trommeslager og musikalsk "alt-mulig-mand". Laust Sonne har medvirket i en lang række projekter på den danske rockscene, ligesom han har udgivet to albums med sit eget band Dear, hvor han er forsanger. Derudover er han trommeslager og guitarist i bandet Bugpowder, har spillet sammen med Tim Christensen, og er trommeslager i det anerkendte danske rockband D-A-D.

Read more about Laust Sonne on Last.fm.

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Laust Sonne lyrics

Spell On You


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

Lost My Heart


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

What About Us


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times



Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

Body Talk


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

Call Me Up


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times



Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

Can You Keep a Secret


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

Like a Chemical


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

How Can I?


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

Walk Out the Door


Laust Sonne

Viewed 0 times

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