V.A. - The Bossa Nova Exciting Jazz Samba Rhythms lyrics
Pedrinho Mattar Trio - Samba Pro Pedrinho
V.A. - The Bossa Nova Exciting Jazz Samba Rhythms
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Zimbo Trio - To Live Happily (Pra Viver Feliz)
V.A. - The Bossa Nova Exciting Jazz Samba Rhythms
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Bossa Jazz Trio - Canto De Ossanha
V.A. - The Bossa Nova Exciting Jazz Samba Rhythms
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Geraldo Trio - Chora Tua Tristeza
V.A. - The Bossa Nova Exciting Jazz Samba Rhythms
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Quarteto EM CY Com Tamba Trio - Agua De Beber
V.A. - The Bossa Nova Exciting Jazz Samba Rhythms
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