Ghost Hunters
Ghost Hunters is a reality television series featuring two Roto-Rooter plumbers, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, who investigate homes and other structures that residents believe are haunted. The show debuted in October 2004 on the American Sci-fi Channel.
It should not be confused with the original 1996 Inca Productions show Ghosthunters produced for the Discovery Channel. The format was sold to the US to become Ghost Hunters. The only remaining link between the two shows is presenter Ian Cashmore who anchored the UK/Europe show. Cashmore piloted the U.S. show, but chose not to remain part of the US venture after he filmed the promos. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
It should not be confused with the original 1996 Inca Productions show Ghosthunters produced for the Discovery Channel. The format was sold to the US to become Ghost Hunters. The only remaining link between the two shows is presenter Ian Cashmore who anchored the UK/Europe show. Cashmore piloted the U.S. show, but chose not to remain part of the US venture after he filmed the promos. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Ghost Hunters lyrics
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