German Sushi
German Sushi is an Electro-House-Duo drifting from the depth of the Berlin underground to the top of the reef.
Furthermore Mettwurst. But this is self-evident.
On the run you'll easily recognize German Sushi by their sunglasses and funny colored clothes.
Recently the guys liftet unexpectedly (and without being asked) their secret of success:
"We go to the studio, and nothing happens. I mean really nothing. Sometimes suddenly a track emerges from this nothing. And the people celebrate it."
That speaks for itself. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
Furthermore Mettwurst. But this is self-evident.
On the run you'll easily recognize German Sushi by their sunglasses and funny colored clothes.
Recently the guys liftet unexpectedly (and without being asked) their secret of success:
"We go to the studio, and nothing happens. I mean really nothing. Sometimes suddenly a track emerges from this nothing. And the people celebrate it."
That speaks for itself. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
German Sushi lyrics
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If you want to search for songs by artist. Just enter the name Singer to search.
If you want to search for songs by two singers and shows, enter:
Singer 1 ft. Singer 2 to search.