Browse by "F" 46179 artists
Freddy Robinson
Abu Talib (born as Fred Leroy Robinson and previously known as Freddie or Freddy Robinson; February 24, 1939 – Octo...
Formula IV
Masterminded by Rich Cason. They had complete members' changes through the years - the '70s group is completely diffe...
Faith Massive
J. Davis (Faith Massive) - Drum & Bass J.Davis is a man of many hats. Co-owner of Devout Artists Recording Grou...
The Norwegian rock band has made on their debut album "Album Of The Day" a powerful collection of songs inc...
Fat Ray & Black Milk
Fat Ray, a product of the fast and unforgiving streets of the Motor City and a direct descendant of the musical linea...
Future Funk Squad
FUTURE FUNK SQUAD is actually just one person, über-producer Glen Nicholls. One of the most respected figures in the...
This short album was created by 2 members of the Intercontinental Music Lab: Barney Brown and Layla Vandenbergh. It w...
Flynt Flossy
He's the rapper with the moves that cant be matched and they rhymes that cant be beat. aka F dot Floss, aka Flynt Flo...