Browse by "F" 46179 artists
Finglonger - 4 piece funk punk band from Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Finglonger on La...
Flock of Dimes
When Jenn Wasner isn't busy with her band Wye Oak, she makes music as Flock of Dimes.
Floater began in 1993 when Robert Wynia (lead vocals, bass), Peter Cornett (drums), and Dave Amador (guitar), got tog...
A Banda FORCEPS começou em 2006 gravando o single intitulado, Disguising Hate, após várias trocas de integrantes a...
Four Eyes
There are two artists with this name: 1. Four Eyes was a power pop/new wave quartet from San Diego, California, whic...
Frankie Knuckles
Frankie Knuckles (born January 18, 1955 in New York City and died March 31, 2014 in Chicago) was a DJ, producer and...