Browse by "F" 46179 artists
FM Radio
FM RADIO is a collaboration between solo artists Schuyler Fisk and Tim Myers. Tim Myers, former member of One Republ...
Freddie Roach
One of the more underrated soul-jazz organists of the '60s, Freddie Roach recorded a series of seven albums for Blue Note and Prestige. Where his cont...
Funkservice International
The characteristic yet uncategorizable sound of Funkservice International stems directly from the curiosity of its cr...
Federico Aubele
Federico Aubele is an Argentine singer and composer whose music blends Jamaican dub and reggae, American ambient and...
Future Bible Heroes
Future Bible Heroes are another band formed under the wings of Stephin Merritt, this time with his friend Chris Ewen....
Florin Niculescu
Florin Niculescu is a Romanian classical and jazz violinist who has also established a reputation as one of the world...
Funkerman Funkerman, known to his postm...
Five Bolt Main
Five.Bolt.Main came together after Flaw was dropped from Universal Records in 2004. Chris Volz met with now ex-Five.B...
Funky Nashville
Funky Nashville is the sound of the dead-dry silence of the desert mixed with the roar of the sea. It is the whiz fro...