Browse by "H" 43059 artists
Help She Can't Swim
Tom Denney – guitar, vocals, keyboards, glockenspiel
Leesey Frances – vocals, keyboards, guitar
Howard Zinn
Howard Zinn (August 24, 1922-January 27, 2010) was an American historian and political scientist. Zinn's philosophy...
Helen Fielding
Helen Fielding (born 19 February 1958) is an English novelist and screenwriter, best known as the creator of the fict...
Hour of Penance
Hour of Penance is a technical death metal band from Rome, Italy that was formed in 1999. They have released six full...
There are two artists called Hansel. 1. Hansel originates from BOSTON. HANSEL
Lorentzian Lineshaper
Hailing from Forth Worth, Texas (later a Los Angeles transplant), Hodges is an emerging singer/songwriter who has fou...
Mexican mid 80's punk band that played a "fast, catchy and very “italian” sounding Hardcore"