Browse by "L" 71627 artists
There are three bands with this name. 1) Pulverizing hardcore/punk band from Baltimore, MD/Washington, DC.
Lafayette Afro Rock Band
Though little known in their native U.S., the Parisian-based Lafayette Afro Rock Band was among the premier funk outf...
Lafayette Gilchrist
Lafayette Gilchrist is a jazz-inspired pianist born in Washington, DC, and now based in Baltimore. He has worked wi...
Lefties Soul Connection
For more than ten years Lefties Soul Connection is one of Europe's most well-known garage funk & soul band. Based...
Lucas & Gea
Lucas Hulshof geboren op 28 april 1966 te Borger. Geertje, Gea Hulshof- de Vries geboren op 5 maart 1966 te Emmen. Lu...
Lemaitre was started in Oslo, Norway in 2010 by Ketil Jansen and Ulrik Denizou Lund. The duo had known each other sin...
Les Bantous de la Capitale
From their Myspace Attention, groupe mythique ! En effet, son histoire commence lorsque six musiciens, auteurs, com...
Laurence Rosenthal
Laurence Rosenthal (born November 4, 1926) is an American composer, arranger, and conductor for theater, television, and films.