Browse by "P" 65584 artists
Poni, is an Albanian singer from Vlora. Can also refer to Montreal base rock group PONI.
Pretty Boy Floyd
There are at least two hard rock bands: 1. American glam metal band. They formed in 1988 in Hollywood, CA. After 8 s...
Pat Metheny Trio
pat metheny and his people are all of what they say about them... and then some
Puerto Rican Power
Tropical orchestra Puerto Rican Power was formed by bassist Jesús Castro in the early '70s, soon granting its leader...
Pieter Bon
Biografie Pieter Bon Pieter Bon begint zijn muzikale carrière als zanger van de Tilburgse band MAM (1982-1995). Na...
Phill Collins-
Biography A brief biography of PHIL COLLINS While other major artists trudge painfully through a handful of over pr...
Polemic is a slovak ska band formed in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1989. 20 years on scene........................... A...
Prúdy is a rock band formed in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1963. Zvonky Zvoňte (Ring Bells, Ring) by Prúdy (Currents...
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