Browse by "R" 73490 artists
There are at least 7 artists with the name Revo: 1) Revo is a Japanese composer, lyricist, vocalist and instrumental...
1- Roxy is a UK Dubstep/garage artist. b.1969 - 2010
Roxy aka Noel Smith part of the `ghost crew`founded...
Robin Williamson
Born in the early 1940s and brought up in Edinburgh, Scotland, Robin became a mainstay of the psychedelic folk combo...
Ron Franklin
While Ron Franklin doesn't seem to enjoy giving out details about himself -- when or where he was born, where he's li...
Red Fox Chasers
The Red Fox Chasers were a string band that formed in North Carolina in 1927, and were active until around 1931. Memb...
Ryan Gustafson
As frontman of Chapel Hill’s Boxbomb, Ryan Gustafson spent six years devising moody, melodic modern rock fashioned...