Browse by "U" 10982 artists
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Uncanny is a death metal band formed in Avesta, Sweden in 1990. They r...
Umberto Tozzi & Raf
Umerto Tozzi & Raf was an Italian duo probably most known for representating Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest...
Uk Alien
UK Alien started out as the guitarist in the Alternative Rock band ZEUS. He later joined The UK States, an acoustic a...
UNDER17 or "Ansebu", was a duo consisting of singer Haruko Momoi (桃井はるこ, nicknamed "Halko&qu...
Useless ID
Useless ID is a four-piece punk-rock band formed in Haifa, Israel in 1994. Like any other band, they started playing...
There are several bands under the name Useless. 1) Useless is a punk band from the Pine Hill/Berlin area of N...
Unmorph is an independent solo project that has been evolving since March, 2008. Overall, the project covers several...
Unearthly Trance
Unearthly Trance was a sludge / doom metal trio from Long Island, New York, composed of guitarist-vocalist Ryan Lipyn...