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Ader - Landshapes

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Ader Lyrics

My limbs are seduced by
A distant unknown
In search of the miraculous
I'm sailing homeAnd I'm too sad you tell you
And we all die alone
So cast me away, I'll take my chances
Oh...And we gave all, all the loving things
Gave it all to you
And we gave all, all the love and things
Made a place for you
His tiny limbs in my arms then
And he's small in the sea now
But I felt his heart against my own
From the deep waters of sleep
And we gave all, all the loving things
Gave it all to you
And we gave all, all the loving and things
Made a place for youOh, Oh...

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!