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Beg for Love - The Hawk In Paris

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Beg for Love Lyrics

Lover in waiting out in the winter
You just wanna hold her or she wants just to let go
Will you watch her walk away?
Lover in waiting out in the winter
You just wanna hold her or she wants just to let go
Will you watch her walk away?
Are you really gonna let her go?
Lie in the circus, forgotten your while
Your voice, over-rated, or she wants just to let go
Will you watch her walk away?
Are you really gonna let her go?
Don't make me beg for love, if I don't want to
Don't make me beg for loveThere's a break in the action, a pause in the violin
She's a boat on the ocean, a drift on your silence
Will you watch her float away?
Are you really gonna let her go?
On this occasion, steady breathing is a cleansification
You'll be dead, she'll be leaving

Will you watch her float away?
Are you really gonna let her go?Don't make me beg for love, if I don't want to
Don't make me beg for love
Don't make her wait, make her wait any longer
Don't make her wait, make her wait any longer
Don't make her wait, make her wait any longer
Don't make her wait, make her wait any longerDon't make me beg for love, if I don't want to
Don't make me beg for love
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!