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Boys & Girls - Lanfranchi

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Boys & Girls Lyrics

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby...
She wants to go fast
And never come back
And never collapse
And he's a real animal
Gone out of control
Who'd rather die young than get old
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby...
(And they danced like they were...)
Boys and girls
They dance like it's the end of the world
Boys and girls
They dance, dance, dance
Boys and girls
Who know it's the end of the world

Boys and girls
They dance, dance, dance
She's in designer jeans
On amphetamines
And wants you badly
And he's a real cannibal
And suicidal
Eratic on heavy metal
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby...
(And they danced like they were...)
Boys and girls
They dance like it's the end of the world
Boys and girls
They dance, dance, dance
Boys and girls
Who know it's the end of the world
Boys and girls
They dance, dance, dance

Enjoy the lyrics !!!