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I stand on the cliffs with my son next to me
This island our prison, our home
And everyday we look out at the sea
This place is all he's ever known
"But I've got a plan," He sung
Wax and some string, some feathers I stole from the birds
We leap from the cliff and we hear the wind sing
A song that's too perfect for words
But son please keep a steady wing
Know you're the only one who means anything to me
Steer clear of the sun or you'll find yourself in the sea
Now safely away, I let out a cry
"We'll make the mainland by noon"
But Icarus climbs higher still in the sky
Maybe I've spoken too soon
But son please keep a steady wing
Know your the only one who means anything to me

Steer clear of the sun or you'll find yourself in the sea
Won't you look at your wings
They're coming undone, splitting at the seams?
Steer clear of the sun for once won't you listen to me?
Oh God, why is this happening to me?
All I wanted was a new life for my son to grow up free
Now you took the only thing that meant anything to me
I'll never fly again, I will hang up my wings
Oh God, why is this happening to me?
All I wanted was a new life for my son to grow up free
Now you took the only thing that meant anything to me
I'll never fly again, I will hang up my wings, oh God

Enjoy the lyrics !!!

Loka is an ever evolving band, drawing on influences from jazz to classical to BBC radiophonic to 60’s psychedelia and much more. Loka released their first EP Beginningless in 2003 and their first album Fire Shepherds followed in 2006 both released through Ninja Tune. Loka is evolving, but continues its compelling and innovative journey which is immune to trend. The eagerly awaited second album Passing Place, due for release in November 2011, is beautifully dark and disorientating with haunting vocals and brass interludes.

Read more about Loka on Last.fm.

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