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Desire Lyrics

I always knew what I wanted to be
I knew for sure, I knew for sure
Always knew it was them or me
I wanted more, more and more
And it's all right, it's okay
None of them people gonna take it away
They don't know, they don't know
And I can't stop 'cause it drives them crazy
It drives them crazy, 'cause I won't be cool
It's too late baby
It's the same old desire
Nothing has changed, nothing's the same
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain, oh yeah
Always moving, somewhere else to be
Moving on, moving on
Scream at you and you scream at me
Right or wrong, right or wrong

It's all right, it's okay
No one's ever gonna take us away
'Cause they don't know like I know
I gotta keep rockin' 'cause it makes me crazy
It makes me crazy, who needs to be cool
Life's amazing
It's the same old desire
Crazy train, crazy train
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
It's the same old desire
Nothing has changed, nothing's the same
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain, oh yeah
It's the same old desire
Nothing has changed, nothing's the same
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
Same old desire
Crazy train, crazy train
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain
Same old desire
Nothing has changed, nothing's the same
Burning like fire
Don't you ever take my name in vain

Enjoy the lyrics !!!

Sweden has produced a vast number of successful rock bands has over the years, especially heavy rock bands. The Awesome Machine was formed in late 1996 by guitarist Christian Smedström and bass player Stefan Magnusson. Vocalist Lasse Olausson and drummer Peter Thorne completed the original line-up, Tobbe Bovik took over the drum stool after Peter left in March 1998. After their eponymous debut was released on 10-inch vinyl in October 1998, Magnusson left the band due to musical differences.

Read more about The Awesome Machine on Last.fm.

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The Awesome Machine