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I'm a Lover of Your Presence - Bryan & Katie Torwalt

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I'm a Lover of Your Presence Lyrics

Verse 1
Let this be a sacrifice
let me dedicate my life to worship you
Won't you let this be a sacrifice
let me dedicate my life to worship youChorus
I'm a lover of your presence
I'm a lover of your presence
I'm a lover of your presenceVerse 2
A passion stirring deep inside,
you're all that really satisfies,
we worship you
A passion stirring deep inside,
you're all that really satisfies,
we worship youChorus
We're lovers of your presence
We're lovers of your presence
We're lovers of your presence
And it's all we wanna be and it's all we wanna beBridge

Cause I was made for love,
I was made for love,
I was made for loving you
I know that I was made for love,
I was made for love,
and I was made for loving youI'm a lover of your presence
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!