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Listen to the Wind - Larry Theiss

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Listen to the Wind Lyrics

Listen to the wind sing a lonely tune
Through the barren branches blowing
On a winters night the world asleep
What will come to past not knowing?
Listen to the wind sing a lonely tune
Through the barren branches blowing
On a winters night the world asleep
What will come to past not knowing?
Baby in a manger in Bethlehem
Help the fathers of begotten
Chosen for a world so incomplete
With a promise not forgotten
Faithful father we send you prayers
For your son bestowing
On this cold and lonely night

Set our hearts a glowing
Blessed be the time of the savior’s birth
Blessed be the night unfolding
Blanket every nation, sing with joy
For the son of God beholding
Christ our savior the prince of peace
With a spell abiding
Warm us with your light of love
Burning, gleaming, guiding
Listen to the wind sing a lonely tune
Through the barren branches blowing
On a winters night the world asleep
What will come to past not knowing?

Enjoy the lyrics !!!