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Lonely Days - Fiji & J Boog

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Lonely Days Lyrics

I know that we mutually agreed, For better for worse unconditionally
Time and Space did not allow us to succeed, The way that we thought our love life would be
Every time i see a smile on your face, It Brings me so much joy in my heart
Takes me back to the very first time, When you said you wanted us to startLady I apologize, For all those lonely days and those restless nights, without me by your side
And when you cry, Cause my insensitivity didn't see the sign, when all I wanted was to make you smile...She was the bestest, top of my check list, Love time dedication well invested
To this women me love so dear, and me can't get the facts your no longer here with me
But it was only meant to set your heart free. Cause what me offered you would not let us be
Can't believe that our reality is just a memory
Every time I see a smile on your face, It Brings me so much joy in my heart
Takes me back to the very first time, When you said you wanted us to start
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!